
Free E-book of the Gospel of John

The Book of John
This is a PDF version of the book of John from the Bible. It also contains a explanation of the plan of salvation in the front. This book was written by one of Jesus’ disciples so that those who read it would believe in Him. If you want to learn what it means to be a Christian, this is great place to start.

Daily Devotional Books by Troy Taft

204 Days in Genesis
If you want to more fully understand the Bible, it’s important to start at the beginning. Christian doctrine depends on the history found in this book. Life’s basic questions are also answered like: Who are we? Where did we come from? Why is there pain and suffering in the world? If you want answers, this is a wise place to start because everything in the Bible is built on what this books tells us.

204 Days in Exodus
This amazing book reveals God’s love to those who are enslaved by using the real history of Israel. It gives an even deeper look into who God is and how he intends to save the world We learn about physical manifestations of God and see his absolute power over circumstances. Here we learn the Ten Commandments and the law of God where God clearly tells us how we should live and what is necessary when we don’t.

183 Days in John
Take a 183 journey through the Bible book of John. Use these short devotionals to get into the habit of spending time every day reading God’s book. Discover how valuable the Bible is to our lives as Christians today. The book of John was written that those who read it might believe in Jesus.

72 Days in Galatians
The Galatians tried to make Christianity into a system of good works and behavior. This book destroys that concept head-on and shows us in no uncertain terms what God actually intends. Go through the Bible book of Galatians with Troy Taft in 72 daily readings, or just read it all now.

220 Days in Luke
Go through the life of Jesus from the perspective of Dr. Luke. He tends to provide more detail than the other records of Jesus’ life. Go through this amazing study a little bit each day and gain direction and encouragement for life as you focus on the life of Jesus.

164 Days in Acts
What happens after Jesus goes up into heaven. Read the book of acts with me and find out! This is what the Holy Spirit does through us to bring God’s Kingdom to those who will hear. Find out how the original church operated and what happened to Jesus disciples.

142 Days in Romans
If you really want to understand Christianity, it’s important to carefully study Romans. With all that supposedly Christian people claim today, this book is extremely important for people living in our day. This may be the most complete document of the message that Jesus gave to Paul to deliver to the world.

216 Days in Jeremiah
What’s it like for a righteous truth-teller to live in a time of lies and censorship? Jeremiah was told by God to talk to people who weren’t going to listen. Not only is he an encouragement to Christians who speak the truth to those who don’t want to hear, his writings also teach us that God is a God of wrath, not just a God of mercy.

24 Days in Lamentations
In this book, we get to discover what a close look at sorrow can teach us about our lives today. What do we discover when God draws the line and requires discipline for sin? What does it teach us about our relationship with God and what we should do today? Find out how God’s love is demonstrated even when He brings his judgment.

You can also find some of Troy Taft’s books on Amazon Kindle.

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