Using Real Money

It’s now possible store money in real gold and silver. In the past, banks used to store gold and silver. That option has now returned. If you came here to support me, you can do that by opening a UPMA account with my referral link.

The United Precious Metals Association (UPMA) is an organization that makes it possible to cost-effectively store your money in gold and silver coins. You can also store your money in something called “Goldbacks”. More on that later. By opening a gold and silver account at the UPMA you protect your money from inflation, inappropriate taxation and from the control of the lawless banking system. You can even lease your money, but only if you specifically allow it. Here are some videos that explain more about how it works.

The UPMA is not just a another place to store your investments in gold. It’s a completely different concept. It’s organized as a non-profit organization. It’s an association of members that has the feel of a credit union that exists for its members. One of the unique member benefits is that it doesn’t buy low and sell high (no spread in investor’s terms). Members always get the posted rates. This video has more information about that:

The UPMA holds your money physically in gold or silver in its storage facility. It is insured and can even be linked to a debit card.

What about taxes?

The UPMA holds your gold and silver in U.S. silver and gold coins with an option to store in Goldbacks as well. This means that you are buying and selling using money not barter. It also means that you shouldn’t have to pay taxes just for spending your gold or silver money to buy things. Unfortunately, the federal government’s enforcement doesn’t match the law. Much will have to be done by our states to hold both state and federal officials to the law and remove those who don’t. I still recommend that you keep track of your purchases and sales of U.S. gold and silver coins for tax purposes, unless you have a sheriff and a state that will defend you against federal agencies.

Getting Inflation Protected Interest

When you use U.S. gold and silver coins to make purchases, you should not be required to pay capital gains taxes. Switching your money to paper does cause the government to wrongfully attempt to make you pay a large (up to 28 percent) tax though. UPMA provides a tool to protect members from this by offering a pawn service in an attempt to avoid this. It has a cost, however.

You can even loan out your coins using a lease. Leasing your coins is very much like having a one year “certificate of deposit” at the bank. It allows you to lend your money for a fixed period of time. The great thing is that the interest is also in gold or silver coin. This means that your investment is naturally protected from inflation. Even the interest is. That’s something that is nearly impossible to find in our paper money economy.

Special Advantage: Using Gold as Cash

What do leased amounts at the UPMA get used for? That brings me to the newest local money alternative: The Goldback.

Several states have decided to offer their citizens the ability to use precious metal-delimited instruments, also called specie, as legal tender in the state. This give the people of those states the ability to use gold and silver as money when they buy things there.

One of the difficulties with buying and selling with metal is that silver is heavy and gold is so valuable that you have to have very tiny coins in order to use it for every-day buying and selling.

The Goldback is a high-tech alternative to coined money. They are bills that use a modern process to put gold inside a plastic coating in very specific quantities. They are produced with technology that creates articulate designs and fraud protection making them very hard to fake. You can learn more about a third-party verification of the Goldback’s quality here.

If you would like some more education about what Goldbacks are and why they are helpful, check out this Tuttle Twins Episode:

The UPMA allows you to hold Goldbacks in your UPMA account without paying for vaulting fees at all. You can withdrawal Goldbacks from your account and have them sent to you at any time. You can learn more about Goldbacks here.

There are more articles on the UPMA website if you would like to learn even more.

Some Notable Opinions

One of the most revealing and popular books about the fiat money system: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve”, was written many years ago by G. Edward Griffin. As a self-proclaimed critic of things like this, here’s what he has to say:

In this article and video, Alpine Gold and Mr. Griffin discuss the UPMA, addressing concerns and benefits.

How to reward me for telling you

The biggest thing you could ever do for me is to admit that you are evil and come to God on His terms. I know that this is like punching you in the nose but the truth is what we all need the most no matter how hard it is.

My time will end too and I will have to face God and then nothing else will matter. If you don’t think you are that bad, then tell me why did you allow yourself and all your money to be in the hands of other criminals? This problem is about as obvious as it gets and you don’t do anything about it! I know because I have the same problem.

The thing we really need is to be saved from our own stupidity! Before concerning yourself with money issues, pay attention to your human condition. Our own sin and death is the biggest enemy, not those who have stolen our money. Please download my free PDF of the gospel of John and read it carefully. That will reward me more than anything in this world.

If you want to sign up and show your appreciation for finding out about this, you can pay me a little by using my referral link to sign up for your account. This gives me a very small portion of your vaulting fees (up to a limit) which rewards me for making the effort to explain all of this to you. You can get a link to do this too when you sign up as well.

Sign Up Here

To join the UPMA you can use my link to sign up and it will help me. The sign up process is surprisingly easy! Just tap or click on UPMA below