Day 9: Direct Revelation

Galatians 1:11-12  :

But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man. For neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.

Paul was a very special person in that he was chosen by God to receive a direct message from Jesus Christ. These are some of the verses that reveal this fact. Here we see that Paul is stressing the fact that no man gave him the message that he was teaching. He has more to say about this in the verses to come.

God chose certain prophets from among the rest with a specific duty to speak and sometimes write God’s message. Paul was obviously one of those special prophets. Peter recognized Jesus’ revelation through Paul:

2 Peter 3:15-16  :

Regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you; as also in all of his letters, speaking in them of these things. In those, there are some things that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsettled twist, as they also do to the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

Notice that Peter regards the letters of Paul as “Scripture” here? Here we read that Peter recognized the “wisdom given to him.” He recognized that it was, indeed, written down too. What is the significance of “Scripture?” Well, that is defined for us too:

2 Timothy 3:16-17  :

Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Paul’s revelation from Jesus Christ, is important for us to recognize. This is a direct source of information from Jesus and we would do well to treat it as such and not try to change it in any way. Like Peter said above, “ignorant and unsettled twist” the “hard to understand” message that Paul speaks. I want to make sure that we go through this carefully so that we can understand it to the best of our abilities.

Day 8: Not A People Pleaser

Galatians 1:10  :

For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I wouldn’t be a servant of Christ.

Notice that Paul had a choice. He could either please men or please Christ. I have found that I have that same choice.

This is a good example. There are many people who would rather that I not speak so dogmatically. If I were to give into this, I would actually be going along with their dogma. Their dogma is the dogma of no dogma, which is a self-refuting argument. People who fight against dogma are completely ignoring their own. Now, this may make people even more upset, but my goal is to please God and bring more people to Him, not to bring people to myself. If people believe and agree with God then they will be pleased with what I say, but my responsibility is to God.

I am hoping to help those of you who believe, and I do want you to be filled with encouragement and joy. Giving in to people would not help you learn the truth. God really exists and is watching what I am saying right now and helping me to say it. More than that, it is a privilege to be able serve God and be allowed to say these things to you on His behalf.

I am especially glad to talk about Galatians because God used it change my life. When I found out what was being said in this letter, I could hardly believe it. I want you to have the opportunity that I had. I know that these words are powerful and can change the world because of what they did in me and the world really needs changing right now.

The world operates in a system that intentionally opposes the word of God. To please the world and it’s system is to oppose God.

The words we are reading here are the words of God and it’s ok for God to be dogmatic because the truth always is dogmatic otherwise it wouldn’t be truth. It’s in our best interest to please Him while we can because the day will come when God will review the work that we did for him in this world. On that day, it won’t matter what we did that pleased people or ourselves. God is our Maker and He has the right to expect us to live the way He wants us to.

Day 7: Strong Language

Galatians 1:8-9  :

But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you any “good news” other than that which we preached to you, let him be cursed. As we have said before, so I now say again: if any man preaches to you any “good news” other than that which you received, let him be cursed.

It is a grave error to preach a perverse gospel. In these verses, Paul calls a curse of eternal punishment on anyone who would attempt to preach a different gospel than the one He preached!

Not only did Paul curse once, but he cursed twice. If you are looking for black and white in our world, here it is. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not anything that can be modified, altered, or replaced. You either believe it as it is, or you leave it and face the consequences. There is no room for argument here in regard to Christianity.

Now, just in case you don’t notice how important this is, Paul calls the curse upon himself, the Apostles and the angels if any of them should attempt to preach something else! Hearing an angel, as some claim, is not good enough reason to give the gospel an update! Even if someone claims to get a message from Paul, and it disagrees with what is written here, you are obligated to reject it. Need I say that this includes any teacher alive today and ever since then as well?

No, the good news of Jesus Christ cannot “evolve.” It’s perfect and complete. Now God could have written anything and we would have had to accept it. Thanks to Him, He wrote down “good news.”

Day 6: No Other

Galatians 1:7  :

and there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you, and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.

Many translations of the English Bible interpret the word that means “good news” into the word “gospel.” I think it is fine to use the word gospel in this context. “The Gospel” is the “good news” of Christianity. Just as there are not many Gospel’s, there aren’t many “Christianities.”

There are, however, many perversions of The Gospel about Jesus Christ.

One of the things that bothers me deeply today is that there are so many people who claim they are Christians who do not hold to the clear teachings in this letter to the Galatians. This book makes it exceedingly clear that any deviation from The Gospel, is perverse. Even the word “Gospel” in English has come to mean something basic that cannot and should not be changed.

Today, the power that works in the minds of the people of the world has convinced them that those who believe truth are perverse. When someone claims that they know the truth, people in our culture get irritated. This is a complete reversal of what is perverse.

This should not surprise us. Since the days that Paul wrote this letter, perversions of Christianity have been multiplying. Pilate, who ordered Jesus to be killed even said: “What is truth?” This idea is still around today. One way that we can detect a perversion is by whether the news is good. When the news fails to be good, something is probably wrong.

I hope it is clear that not all good news is the un-perverted gospel. But, there is a specific “good news” that describes what Jesus has done for mankind, but one way to tell the difference between the truth and a lie, as we shall see later, is the simple fact that with many perversions the news stops being good!

It is difficult to match the goodness in the news of Christianity with a mere man-made concoction.

Day 5: A Frustrating Departure

Galatians 1:6  :

I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”;

Did you know that there is only one kind of Christianity that God accepts? That’s what this short verse tells us.

Because the Galatians quickly “updated” their form of Christianity, Paul accused them of quickly deserting God Himself. That is a serious accusation and it comes with real condemnation as we see later.

If different forms of “Christianity” don’t lead to God, how could different religions even come close? Yet that’s what some “Christians” believe today. Paul clearly says there is one “good news” of Christianity that you can either accept or reject. In this letter to the Galatians, Paul goes to great lengths to explain a kind of perverted Christianity that is still very common today.

By believing that Christianity can be modified, you actually make up a different religion and desert God in the process. My pastor says that Satan loves religion. In fact he’d be glad to help us make up one!

Notice that subject of grace, or favor of Christ, comes up again here. This was what the Galatians stopped trusting in as a result of their perverted “Christianity.” Paul will go on in this letter, to explain the nature of grace and how making subtle changes to Christianity can can completely destroy it. When Christianity gets an “upgrade,” it is often grace that is left behind as a result. Why would anyone give up God’s favor for their own form of Christianity? It’s easy to see why Paul thought that this was unbelievable!

Day 4: Deliverance

Galatians 1:4-5  :

who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us out of this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father— to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

This part tells us the reason for Jesus death. It also tells us what kind of age we live in. It reminds us of God’s grace, that He is our God and Father, and that it is He who get’s all the glory for it.

Jesus died for our sins, in that, if He wouldn’t have, we would be condemned with everyone else alive today. We don’t come to Jesus to feel good. We come to be delivered from what faces us and what faces us is our own destruction. I admit that not being destroyed feels pretty good, but a good feeling is not the reason to come to Jesus.

One of the problems with feelings is that they are temporary. We can feel good today and eat a bad burrito tomorrow. God is not to be blamed for days we feel bad!

Instead, it is important for us to remember that we were saved from this evil age of people who were bent on their own destruction. We were awakened from a foolish dream to realize our true condition and our true future. That future was pretty bleak, but God also revealed the way to have a bright future. Knowing we have a bright future feels pretty good too.

The amazing thing about this is that God did it in grace, meaning that He decided to save us based not on anything that we did to deserve it, but based on His own will. Not only that, God delivered us in a way that allowed us to become His children.

Since God did this on His own, it had nothing to do with us, and because it had nothing to do with us, only He gets the glory for it.

Day 3: Grace, Peace, Lord, Father

Galatians 1:3 :

Grace to you and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ,

Grace simply means “favor.” Here, it is a word used to describe how God favors us, and that because he favored us we have peace with God. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, our punishment was paid for. Before this was done, we were not at peace with God. There was a division between us.

God is a just God, and because of this, He does not allow any sin to go unpunished. In the Bible, forgiveness doesn’t mean to “allow to go unpunished.” With God, no sin goes unpunished. Actually, the punishment for sin is death and Jesus took that punishment for the sins of the world (past, present and future; and yes it includes horrible sins like murder, sexual sins, etc.)

God’s kind of favor is the kind that we definitely don’t deserve. We are sinners and He chose to pay for our sins at a significant cost to Himself rather than destroy us. Our peace, on the other hand, comes from an act of justice. The death of Jesus was the legal payment for our sin. We are rightfully free of our sin when we believe in the fact that Jesus paid for it. That is how we are “Saved.” Now God has made Jesus “Lord” over everything. God was very pleased with Jesus. He did exactly what He was supposed to do. As believers, we also recognize that Jesus is “Lord,” because by Him we are saved.

Because of what Jesus has done, God is now our Father. This is mentioned many times in the book of John too. It is sometimes hard to believe that we are that important, but the Bible makes it very clear that we are, and that God really is our Father. We are forgiven, and at peace with God now. We are greatly loved, and we have His favor.