Masking God

It was brought to my attention that some satanic rituals involve wearing a mask and standing six feet apart (source at 43:55). It was also brought to my attention that there isn’t any scientific evidence that standing six feet apart reduces the spread of small viruses like SarsCov2. These are a just a few of the poorly linked “facts” that formed the basis for the policies that began to control our lives in 2020.

I have already written about the fact that universal masking is wrong. Since then, it was brought to my attention that mask mandates also do another thing. They cover the face of a creature that was made in the image of God Himself. Doing a thing like this may have ramifications that we can’t fully know. Even though there are times that God allows the sick to be masked, as I mentioned in the other article, only the outwardly sick with specific kinds of disease are to be masked and only below the nose.

You might argue that it isn’t the physical face that God finds most important, but that’s not the point. Even if the physical is only a symbol of the spiritual, it must remain symbolic. In other words, if it is a symbol of what is good spiritually, it is wrong to harm the symbol just as it is wrong to harm the real thing. Jesus’ face is mentioned as being connected to the glory of God and He is our example. (See: 2 Corinthians 4:6)

When you study the Bible, you quickly come to the conclusion that doing things that God doesn’t like have consequences. Some of those consequences are immediate and some of them don’t happen until after you die, but under no condition will any man get away with anything that goes against God. (see Numbers 32:23)

The Bible also tells us that God has an enemy. Satan has been trying to mess God up since God exposed Satan for his attempt to take over. As Christians, we know that this is the real battle on earth today. It may look political, but it’s much more than that. It makes sense that Satan would cause those under his control, like Biden, the CDC and Dr. Fauci, to create an environment that condemns mankind. Satan has used this method before to destroy men. Man may have another purpose, but is he often used by Satan to do what God hates.

It is a Christian’s responsibility to promote God and His image. We are to teach our children the same. Besides the fact that the masks are a symbol of servitude to other men, which is wrong for a Christian (see 1 Corinthians 7:23), it also represents something that covers the face of God. This is evil and must be stopped before our culture faces the inevitable consequences.

Experts Disagree with Covid-19 Guidelines

You may have seen the signs that say: “Masks save lives.” Have you ever considered which lives they are talking about? Some mask experts actually say that they don’t save Covid-19 lives. The same is true with Covid-19 vaccines. High-level experts are clearly saying that the vaccines are not only ineffective, they are saying that they are actually dangerous.

Challenging the Mask Mandates

In this video The Highwire’s Del Bigtree interviews two masking experts. They say that not only is mask wearing ineffective in stopping the spread of Covid-19, long-term mask wearing is bad for your health and can actually prolong your illness.

One of the many alarming things that this video reveals, is the attempt by our institutions to lie to the people about what their own eyes can clearly see. Notice that when you do your own carbon dioxide test, you discover that you have a very harmful level when wearing a mask for just a short time. Our institutions and media have attempted to get people to ignore their own science.

The Value of your Own Experience

On top of the fact that efforts have been made to encourage us to ignore our own eyes, they are also making it appear that experts agree that masks are not only beneficial, but necessary to keep people safe from Covid-19.

When I use my own eyes, I keep discovering more real evidence that masks simply don’t work for viruses like Covid-19. Here’s a formal study that documents long lists of health issues that can be caused by wearing a mask as well as explaining why masks don’t really work for Covid-19, that’s only a recent one. In my article: Questioning Mask Mandates, I provide a link to a list of over 50 studies that challenge the use of masks for diseases like this Covid-19. That’s a lot of experts and it isn’t what we are being lead to believe by those who claim to have our best interests in mind.

The Complete Treatment Blackout

Dr. Peter McCullough is the most published writer in his medical field. He asserts that when a person contracted Covid-19, they were given no other option than to sit at home and wait to get worse. He believes that this was an improper way to deal with the disease.

Dr. McCullough also addresses the government’s ineffectiveness in regard to determining what kinds of treatments were being used and distributed. He also mentions that his YouTube video was censored making it even harder for doctors to get information about what to do.

Dr. McCullough is an expert, but he mentions that he worked with others who agree with him as well. He notes that the testing protocols clearly lack a scientifically rational basis.

Challenging the Push for Vaccination

Mask wearing is a serious issue to many experts, but the problems with Covid-19 vaccines is an even bigger issue among those who know how they work.

Right about the time that the first Covid-19 vaccines were being released in the U.K. and the United States, I discovered two prominent health experts, one from Germany and one from the U.K. that were expressing so much concern about the vaccines that they formally asked European countries to stop both the human testing and the distribution of them. Here’s a video that includes one of these experts explaining how the vaccine could potentially cause problems with having children.

It’s good to highlight that in my video, the expert explains that our body functions are actually dependent on certain viruses. In other words, not all viruses are bad. This is kind of important for people to understand don’t you think? Especially when you choose to take a vaccine that teaches your body to eliminate a class of viruses. What if you teach your body to eliminate a virus that you will need later?

The other expert that helped develop the warning to European countries mentioned earlier, also used to be the lead scientist for the vaccine making company: Pfizer. His name is Dr. Mike Yeadon. He and many other experts, believe that the Covid-19 pandemic has actually been over for a long time.

Notice that Dr. Yeadon also believes that the test procedure being used to test for Covid-19 is ineffective. Now you might be thinking that he’s wrong. Too many experts disagree with Dr. Yeadon. Well, that’s not a good argument logically. It doesn’t matter how many experts disagree with the truth. The truth is still the truth, but if you are thinking that it makes his argument’s weaker, then it’s important to understand that a very large number of experts have been kept from public view by the institutions that have made the rules.

Challenging the Lack of Options

I’d also like to mention Dr. Ben Carson. As far as I know, Dr. Carson is usually in favor of vaccines. I believe he may have even argued against Trump on the issue during the primary campaign before the 2016 election. Even so, Dr. Carson also disagrees with how Covid-19 and the push for vaccination is going. He even appeared to have trouble talking to Neil Cavuto who seemed to keep trying to push the vaccination initiative without considering other treatments.

The Huge Number of Experts that Disagree

You may not even know about it, but there is a group of over 60,000 medical and scientific experts that disagree with how Covid-19 is being handled and were willing to sign their names to it. You can find The Great Barrington Declaration here.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson from Canada is well aware of The Great Barrington Declaration. He’s an expert on his own right and also speaks out strongly against what the government has been doing in regard to Covid-19. He calls for an immediate end to the government’s involvement and explains in detail in this video.

It’s important for all of us to remember that expert opinion does not equal truth. What it does do is inform us when we make our own decisions.

Since only God has perfect knowledge of disease and since it is wrong to forcefully change someone’s body based on your own ideas, the only moral option is to allow individuals to choose whether or not they should wear masks or take vaccines. We should also know that many experts disagree with the requirements and recommendations that our institutions and governments are making.

Further Reading

Why Is Mandatory Vaccination Wrong?
In this article, I describe vaccination from a moral perspective. Why is it wrong for a government to force individuals to vaccinate themselves? As I discussed here, it has a lot to do with what happens when they are wrong about their advice to you.

Clear Evidence that Universal Masking Isn’t Necessary
Much more evidence has been put forward since the time I wrote this article but it exposed a real problem very early on. In this article, I describe a logical inconsistency in the advice given by the CDC regarding who should be masked and who should be tested that suggests that they don’t really think that masking is necessary for everyone.