Binge Watch This: Voter Fraud Videos

Here are some important videos to watch that document voter fraud in the 2020 election. When you look into it yourself, you will see that something is very, very wrong. There’s really no sense in continuing with elections if we can’t fix the system first.

This is fast-paced overview of evidence of fraud in the 2020 Election:

This is the most recent video by Mike Lindell’s team. It’s called: “Absolute Interference”

Here’s Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof”. He interviews several experts and in the last 20 minutes demonstrates an amazing computer simulation of computer logs that show foreign interference during our election from computers in several countries.

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Here’s another video by Mike Lindell. It’s an interview with Dr. Frank who is a mathematics expert. He demonstrates why it is statistically obvious that the 2020 Election was manipulated using the computers in a systematic way across the entire United States.

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The evidence that I have seen strongly suggests that the 2020 election was a planned hack. Here’s what I found:

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What has become increasingly clear since the election, is that the United States republic is under attack by enemies both foreign and domestic. This montage shows the seriousness of what we are up against in America.

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Here’s HBO’s documentary on modern election fraud called: “Kill Chain”

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