I think that God gave us Judy Mikovits for a time such as this. Not only did she personally know Tony Fauci, she is a biologist and scientist who worked on treatments in labs. She knows exactly what is involved in things like “gain of function research” because she did it. She was also willing to go to jail to protect us all from what the medical industry is attempting to poison us with. Here’s an interview she had a while back in which she discusses Covid vaccines and Tony Fauci.
Monthly Archives: July 2021
A Practical Way to Stop Covid Tyranny
One way to help stop the way that Covid-19 and the vaccines were used to control the population is for American’s to exercise their rights. As Americans, the bulk of government power rests in our hands. That’s a responsibility and a privilege. It’s a responsibility because as leaders of our own republic, we must actively call wrong-doers to account. That’s what the Frontline Doctors are doing.
In this case the Frontline Doctors are initiating and paying for a lawsuit against those who refused to fill prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine. If you are a doctor that was denied a prescription or a patient that was denied treatment, you can participate in the lawsuit.
Visit this website and fill out the form
The Frontline Doctors have already filed a complaint requesting that Covid vaccination be stopped for children.
New Study: Covid Shot is Aborting Pregnancies
Alex Jones is reporting that a new study has confirmed that pregnancies are being lost to the Covid shot. This adds more strength to the likelihood that our leaders are either deceived or are participating in a plan to harm large numbers of people with the so-called vaccine.