If you are looking to purchase health insurance, and you are a Christian and go to church on a regular basis, I highly suggest that you look into Christian Healthcare Sharing.
Healthcare sharing between Christians is actually better than insurance in many ways. It’s a huge group of people who are committed to sharing each other’s medical bills. In a very real way, it’s a strong move back to what God intended Christians to do.
What got me looking for insurance alternatives was a move my company made to force us to an insurance company that was known to be participating in abortion. I could not bear the thought of having even one cent of my premium used for someone else to have an abortion. My move to Christian Healthcare Sharing was fundamentally a conscientious one, but I was also interested in it would cost.
I was surprised to find out that even with the significant amount of help my company provided, it was still a pretty good deal to go with Samaritan Ministries and that was a couple of years ago. Some have recently reported a $500 per month reduction in cost. I researched about four different ministries and Samaritan was the one that best aligned with my beliefs and my goals. The thing that really stands out with Samaritan is that the organization doesn’t even touch your money at all. You send your money directly to those who have needs, every month. All Samaritan Ministries does is to direct your payments. They keep track of where the needs are and whether or not they are legitimate and within the scope of the Samaritan Ministries Guidelines that all members must agree to.
I’ve been a member now for over two years and as Samaritan Ministries has grown, it has added new options. There are options for young healthy members who don’t really want to spend much money, as well as options for the big family that really needs to know that all their emergencies will be met.
There’s even an option to share a few dollars more per year to have needs met should they exceed $200,000. Needs in the millions have been successfully shared. When you have that kind of commitment from other Christians, it is a very comforting thing. It’s comforting to know that you are following God’s pattern in the Bible for how Christians should help each other. It’s also critical to know that you are not participating in things that grieve God’s heart.
I encourage you to go to Samaritan Ministries and check it out and tell them that you heard it from Troy Taft. That will help me too. Thank you.
You can also check out the videos of what members have to say about Samaritan Ministries.