Binge Watch This: Voter Fraud Videos

Here are some important videos to watch that document voter fraud in the 2020 election. When you look into it yourself, you will see that something is very, very wrong. There’s really no sense in continuing with elections if we can’t fix the system first.

This is fast-paced overview of evidence of fraud in the 2020 Election:

This is the most recent video by Mike Lindell’s team. It’s called: “Absolute Interference”

Here’s Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof”. He interviews several experts and in the last 20 minutes demonstrates an amazing computer simulation of computer logs that show foreign interference during our election from computers in several countries.

Here’s another video by Mike Lindell. It’s an interview with Dr. Frank who is a mathematics expert. He demonstrates why it is statistically obvious that the 2020 Election was manipulated using the computers in a systematic way across the entire United States.

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The evidence that I have seen strongly suggests that the 2020 election was a planned hack. Here’s what I found:

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What has become increasingly clear since the election, is that the United States republic is under attack by enemies both foreign and domestic. This montage shows the seriousness of what we are up against in America.

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Here’s HBO’s documentary on modern election fraud called: “Kill Chain”

Election Fraud Court Rulings

False claims have been made by members of the media that there has been no evidence and no court rulings of election fraud in the 2020 election. Here is the truth.

This is a case from the 2020 election in which a Mississippi Judge ruled that the election was so fraudulent that a new election was ordered. Here’s an article about that case: Mississippi Judge Rules 78 Percent of Mail-In Ballots Fraudulent, Orders New Election.

In Pennsylvania, a court also ruled that the Secretary of State illegally accepted late ballots. The article says:

“Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline.”

Pennsylvania court: Secretary of state lacked authority to change deadline 2 days before Election Day

One of the biggest problems with obtaining rulings on fraud evidence in the 2020 election is that many courts refused to hear the cases based on evidence. Many cases are still in process and I intend to update this post as more rulings are made.

God Says We are All Witnesses

You don’t have to be an “expert” to determine if something is true. All you need are good witnesses and you can figure it out for yourself.

I bring this up because of a popular belief that you can’t really know whether or not something is true unless an experts tells you. In the instance of voter fraud, are you able to detect voter fraud, or does that require that an expert tell you it happened?

The answer should be obvious to us, but it appears that many people have been confused by our current leadership and media.

In the article: “Detroit absentee ballot instructions conflict with witness testimony about irregularities“, I learned that Detroit election workers were told to not do signature checks for mail-in ballots and to change the dates on ballots that came in late. Both of these things were clearly against the law. Was this election fraud or should we merely trust the legal system because no cases have proven that any fraud took place?

If you are thinking that you might not be knowledgeable enough to figure out if something is voter fraud, let me ask you this: Do you know how to legally vote? How do you know you are legally voting if determining fraudulent voting requires an “expert”? How good is a voting process if the voter can’t tell if they are voting fraudulently?

So, if the law says that you must do a signature check for each ballot, and an election official tells you not to do it, is that a fraudulent demand? I hope you can say yes without requiring an “expert” to tell you. If what is said in this article is true, was there fraud in the 2020 election?

If you are having trouble answering this question, I’d like to strengthen your convictions by showing you what God says. God gave all of us the rules for determining if something is true. That’s one of the amazing blessing of the Bible. God tells all people, whether we are experts or not, how to investigate a matter. Here’s what He says:

Deuteronomy 19:15:

One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin that he sins. At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.

The Bible tells us that if you can understand what it says here, you have all of the expertise you need to determine whether something is true or not. If you have two reliable witnesses, then the matter is established.

In the case of the Detroit election fraud accusation, the article says:

‘But in her post-election affidavit, Jessy Jacob affirmed, “I was instructed not to look at any of the signatures on the absentee ballots, and I was instructed not to compare the signature on the absentee ballot with the signature on file.”‘

Detroit absentee ballot instructions conflict with witness testimony about irregularities

Then the article also says:

“He added that there were others who swore in their own affidavits that they were given the same improper instructions Jacob received.”


So here we have at least three witnesses that have testified to the same thing in this case. We know that the law says one thing and that at least three witnesses have testified that they were told by an official to do a different thing. If we use the Bible as our guide, and accept what we are told about what the law says, then we must conclude, without needing the help of any more expertise, that election fraud took place.

If having this kind of power seems crazy to you, remember that the founders of the United States of America believed in us. We know because they set up something in our court system called “the jury”. That’s just a group of ordinary people, like you and I. A jury was given the power to judge for itself whether or not something happened. A jury isn’t filled with “experts” and that’s because our founders knew that relying only on “experts” was a serious danger to avoid.

There are many things that our founders put into our Constitution that made it difficult for tyrants to take control. That’s because they knew what it was like to live under their influence.

If we know what is good for us, we will listen to our founder’s warnings, stop listening to “experts”, and start looking at the truth for ourselves.