A harmful theme in American culture that I frequently iterate is the failure to admit to a worldview. It’s not easy to determine the dominant American worldview because there are many competing ones. Those competing worldviews are being used by Satan and his slaves to cause destruction, but I think what we see most often is the prideful worldview that says that they are neutral to all worldviews.

We see this destruction going on in often subtle ways in the American Judicial system. One of the ways I witnessed this recently was in this article in which a man was convicted of a double murder of his pregnant girlfriend.
It’s a horrible thing to have to think about, but the according to the article, the court actually had no witnesses. It merely used circumstantial evidence to convict a man of a double murder!
The Bible says that without at least two witnesses, the matter cannot be established:
“ One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin that he sins. At the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.” Deuteronomy 19:15
Because the judicial system has been departing from the Christian worldview, they no longer hold to obvious Biblical law. What happens when a judicial system decides to be a law unto itself? I think the answer is obvious: tyranny.
When a government rules the people by its own will, the people are enslaved to another man. If men would choose to abide by God’s law, then they would be enslaved to no man, but only to God. That’s how important and fundamental a Biblical-Christian worldview is to the concept of liberty.
This man was convicted of a double murder and he may not have even done either one. Why is this so important to get right? It’s because kidnapping and slavery are also wrong in the Bible. Kidnapping is what a man does if he wrongfully takes a man and forces him to do his will. Kidnapping is also a capital crime in the Bible.
““Anyone who kidnaps someone and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:16
If the courts were wise, and they clearly are not, they would realize that they are heaping the wrath of God upon themselves and our country because of their tyrannical worldviews, but as you probably noticed at first, this isn’t the last of their violations.
They also admitted in their ruling that abortion is murder and that they, by implication, get to decide which lives are worth living and which lives may be exterminated.
This means that the court is also guilty of murder. The 10 Commandments makes that one easy.
““You shall not murder.” Exodus 20:13
If you want to sum up the Christian worldview’s description of a government’s duty, it’s found in holding people accountable for this verse. If a government fails to protect this law, they fail completely as a government and really cannot be assumed to be one. That’s how Satan uses a shift in our worldview to bring about destruction. He makes us sin and then God is obligated to discipline our rebellious culture.
All courts have a worldview and if they think they are worldview-neutral, they have one of the worst worldviews possible.