A Devotional Commentary by Troy Taft
- Day 62: God Takes Jeremiah’s Side
- Day 63: Justice and Mercy to the Nations Around Israel
- Day 64: An Object Lesson
- Day 65: Boldly Speaking God’s Word
- Day 66: Weeping in Secret
- Day 67: How Long Will This Go On?
- Day 68: The Truth about the Economy
- Day 69: When God Cancels the Prayer Meeting
- Day 70: A Thing of Nothing
- Day 71: From Despair to Hope
- Day 72: Payday
- Day 73: Does God Get Tired?
- Day 74: It’s Getting Personal
- Day 75: The Mercy of a Serious God
- Day 76: When God Denies Us of Something Good
- Day 77: Don’t Mourn With Them
- Day 78: Having It Their Own Way
- Day 79: God’s People and God’s Land
- Day 80: Considering Hell
- Day 81: Humanism vs. God
- Day 82: What’s the Point of This?
- Day 83: Taking Over Someone Else’s Nest Eggs
- Day 84: God Makes Things Perfectly Clear
- Day 85: God May Change His Mind about a Nation
- Day 86: Jeremiah Stops Defending Israel
- Day 87: The Valley of Slaughter
- Day 88: Jeremiah Gives Them Hell
- Day 89: From Hell to Heaven
- Day 90: Magormissabib
- Day 91: Jeremiah’s Source of Strength
- Day 92: God’s Word vs. The Authorities
- Day 93: A Serious Look at Persecution
- Day 94: Repentance is Critical
- Day 95: The Way of Life and the Way of Death
- Day 96: How God Deals with a Misbehaving Government
- Day 97: God Directly Confronts the Government Officials
- Day 98: Repetition and Reputation
- Day 99: God Makes His Word Clear
- Day 100: Poorly Handling Prosperity
- Day 101: The Troubling Curse of Coniah
- Day 102: Yahweh Our Righteousness
- Day 103: Two Very Important Jobs
- Day 104: The Folly and Horror of False Prophets
- Day 105: Don’t Listen to Them
- Day 106: God Is Everywhere
- Day 107: Thinking Critically About What Teachers Say
- Day 108: Following Their Own Word
- Day 109: The Remnant
- Day 110: A Survey of Jeremiah’s Experience
- Day 111: Refusing to Listen to God
- Day 112: Jeremiah Curses the Nations of the World
- Day 113: The Shepherd Becomes a Lion
- Day 114: God’s Grace and Our Dedication to Sin
- Day 115: The Priests, the Prophets, the Princes and the People
- Day 116: God’s Power and Good Leadership
- Day 117: God Chooses King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
- Day 118: The Real Enemy
- Day 119: Nothing Trivial Here
- Day 120: Handling Apparent Contradictions
- Day 121: An Actual Contradiction
- Day 122: Praying for the Peace of Babylon
- Day 123: A Letter from God
- Day 124: God Eliminates a Couple of Options
- Day 125: A Crime Against Humanity
- Day 126: Carefully Considering God’s Word about Israel
- Day 127: The Full End is Coming
- Day 128: The Curer of the Incurable
- Day 129: In the Latter Days You Will Understand
- Day 130: Survival in the Wilderness
- Day 131: Our Heavenly Father
- Day 132: What God Says
- Day 133: God’s Darling Child
- Day 134: The Reversal of the Captivity of Judah
- Day 135: The New Covenant and a Restored Israel
- Day 136: God’s Dark Comedy
- Day 137: A Good Investment
- Day 138: God Isn’t Nice to Sinners
- Day 139: How Does This Make Sense God?
- Day 140: Phase One: God’s Wrath
- Day 141: Phase Two: God’s Everlasting Covenant
- Day 142: The New World Order
- Day 143: The Grand Finale
- Day 144: Yahweh Our Righteousness Once Again
- Day 145: A Difficult Verse
- Day 146: God is Serious about Israel
- Day 147: Accepting God’s Plan for Us
- Day 148: Oppression, Lies and God’s Judgment
- Day 149: The Remnant Again
- Day 150: God’s Desire to Forgive
- Day 151: Preaching the Word
- Day 152: Tyranny and the Fear of God
- Day 153: It’s Usually Better the Second Time
- Day 154: Talking to God without Listening to Him
- Day 155: Mob Justice
- Day 156: Ask and Receive
- Day 157: What Sense Does This Make?
- Day 158: Ebedmelech the Ethiopian
- Day 159: The Incredible Mercy of God
- Day 160: The Sin of Omission
- Day 161: Lying for the Lord
- Day 162: Judgment Day
- Day 163: Justice in the End
- Day 164: Saved by Faith
- Day 165: Jeremiah Goes Back to Judah
- Day 166: The Remnant
- Day 167: Trusting the Wrong People
- Day 168: Why Would God Allow This?
- Day 169: What Can We Learn from This?
- Day 170: Seeking God’s Will
- Day 171: God’s Plan of Salvation
- Day 172: The People Fail to Obey, Again
- Day 173: An Unusual Illustration of Greed
- Day 174: A Scientific Fact
- Day 175: Whatever It Takes
- Day 176: The Danger of Abandoning the Truth
- Day 177: God’s Word vs. Man’s Word
- Day 178: Dream Big
- Day 179: Willfully Ignorant
- Day 180: Wasted Conquest
- Day 181: A More Complete Picture of Jesus
- Day 182: Never Too Large to Fall
- Day 183: Why Israel and Egypt?
- Day 184: When God’s Sword Comes Out
- Day 185: Trusting in our Works and Treasures
- Day 186: Making a Clean Break
- Day 187: Respecting Israel’s God
- Day 188: Taken Down by God
- Day 189: The Moab Mirror
- Day 190: The Terror of Ammon
- Day 191: A Very Foolish Choice
- Day 192: Pride of the Heart
- Day 193: Conquered but not Destroyed
- Day 194: Things We Know and Things We Don’t
- Day 195: God’s Dealings with Terrorists
- Day 196: Prophesies of the Return of Israel
- Day 197: Enjoying the Wrong Things about God’s Wrath
- Day 198: Israel’s Future Innocence
- Day 199: The End of Bad Governments
- Day 200: The Peril of Trusting in Man’s Greatness
- Day 201: Five Swords and a Drought
- Day 202: All Nations are Guilty
- Day 203: Not Forsaken
- Day 204: A Culture that Refused to be Healed
- Day 205: An Obvious Difference
- Day 206: The Portion of Jacob
- Day 207: Valuing the Wrong Things
- Day 208: The End of False Religion
- Day 209: The Danger of a Worldly Focus
- Day 210: Epic Themes
- Day 211: The God of Retribution
- Day 212: A Messenger is Sent to Babylon
- Day 213: A Lesson from King Zedekiah’s Life
- Day 214: A Couple of Things to Remember
- Day 215: A Small but Important Example
- Day 216: The God of Justice and Mercy